The Schierlings

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy (late) Easter!

I found it!

Looking for aa Easter Basket with Grandpa Schierling!

More Easter Fun!

Easter Gathering at Grandma Wall's

Lucy the Hamster goes for a Helicopter ride!

Riley and his "girlfriend" Cadence Harder enjoy a lunchtime kiss!

Happy First Birthday Malachi!

The lovebirds!

A big picture for Malachi's room!

Ben and Malachi

Riley and Daddy chase bubbles in our backyard!

Riley's First Pet!

Riley choose his first pet from the pet store... a dwarf hamster who he named Lucy! He loves taking her for tractor rides, down the slide and listening to her "secrets"!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Riley's first plane ride!

We had a great flight to Honolulu and Riley loved being on a "big jet"! We spent one day in Honolulu before jumping on our cruiseship for a week.

Daddy's Silly!

Breakfast in Honolulu!

Enjoying Honolulu!

Our Big Splurge!

We decided to do one tour and have the rest of the trip beach time. So we chose the Circlr of Fire Helicopter tour. It was on the Island of Hawaii and all 3 of us went for an hour tour! It was amazing to see hot lava flowing in a real volcano!

Getting in...

In the Black Bird! (Helicopter!)

Active Volcano!

My Baby and Baby Bump!

Dave and Riley beside our Cruiseship!

Dave and Riley beside our 15-story cruiseship- the Pride of Hawaii!

The Waterslide!

Our cruiseship had it's very own waterslide! Riley loved it!

The Kiddie Pool!

Riley's fav spot was the Kiddie Pool! He loved the pink elephant slide!

Supper at the Steakhouse!

We enjoyed a nice supper every night and then a show at the Theater. Riley was enjoying his themed kid's club nights while we had our date nights: a perfect combo!

Picking up our Hawaiian Dude from Kid's Club!

Picking up our Prince from Kid's Club!

Picking up our Puppy from Kid's Club!

Riley and Mommy playing Puppies!

Riley tried Boogie-boarding too!

Surfin' Mama!

We enjoyed Boogie-boarding in Kauai! Our Cruiseship is in the background.

Silly Riley!

Enjoying our Escargot!

Sandy Banana!

Riley dipped his banana in the sand and he still ate it!

Leaving for Vancouver!

After a day and a half delayed flight, we finally got to go home! Our plane had some mechanical issues that needed to be fixed so we waited patiently at a hotel in Honolulu with free meals!

Welcome Home to SNOW!

This is me freezing at 4am picking up our car in Vancouver. Then we drove home and I was at work by 6:15am! So much for sleep! Luckily I caught up the next day!

Friday, March 02, 2007

We are back from Hawaii!

More pictures to be posted soon! Just arrived back yesterday! Here we are enjoying the beach of Maui!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Enjoying our meal!

"Love on You Supper"

Uncle Ron and Aunt Hilda Janzen put on their 5th Annual Love on You supper. This originally was to encourage the married cousins on the Siemens side, but now it includes singles cousins too! We had lots of fun and they put on a great meal!

Party People!

Happy Birthday Jackie!

Jackie and her baby Malachi. He is 10.5 months!

Riley Helps Grandma!

Aunt Jackie turned 23 on February 7th! To celebrate we had a party at her house with all her fav foods: Cherry Chip Cake (she has had it at her parties since she was 2!), Cheese Sauce Spaghetti and Rempel's Farmer Sausage! Yummy!

Birthday Cake!

Park Buddies!

Feeding the Ducks!

Riley and I love going to Sardis Park to feed the ducks! Some of them take the crackers right from your hand... that kinda scares Riley!

Fixing the snowmobiles!

The were about a dozen snowmobiles up there, but they were'nt all new! Some needed regular tune-ups! Both of Dave's snowmobiles were up there but needed extra TLC at times too! Dave's Boss Tom is in the black snowsuit.