The Schierlings

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Best Buddies!

Dave and Riley goofing around! We had a long week of stomach flu... we each took a turn with it: Dave then me then Riley :( Finally when it was over we got snow! Riley loves the snow! He tilts his head back and tries to eat the snowflakes falling down! He loves getting rides on Grandma's sled or Daddy's cooler! Dave tried starting the snowmobiles last night with little sucess.. I guess they need a tune-up! We tried building a snowman but Riley kept knocking it down! So much fun, too bad we have to work!

What a cool Dad!

Happy Boy!


Our saucer didn't have a handle to pull, so Dave put Riley in the cooler instead!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Riley and his friends!

Riley, Eric, and Ethan enjoy their cake!

Tonka Truck Trifle!

Me, Jackie, Mom and Malachi (Jackie and Ben's 8 month old baby!)

Riley turns 2!

Riley had a great time at his 2 year old birthday party! We had 30 people for supper including kids! His cake was served in a big Tonka truck which was the envy of all the little boys! He got lots of cool gifts: tractors, cars, books and DVDs! The theme was the movie "Cars" and Riley loves "lightning"!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday School!

Today was Riley's first day at Sunday School! He turns 2 in exactly a week but they let him come 1 week early to the 2 & 3 year old class! He was very sad when Dave dropped him off but quickly cheered up when he saw there was 15 other children having fun with playdough, toys and coloring! He even got a lollipop at the end! Yeah! Dave and I can now enjoy the whole church service! (he never liked nursery much) Then we had supper at my parents with Kelly and Curtis (her boyfriend of 2 years). Time for bed! :)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Hunting Crew!

Dave returns from Hunting Trip!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Single Mom for a Week!

I had a busy week being a single Mom! Dave is due back at 2;00am tonight and has been hunting for exactly 1 week! I worked wed. + thurs., had a chiro app., went to Costco with Sheila, had supper at Mom's house, and got 12 pages of scrapbooking done! Tonight I went to my Grandparents for supper and then to see "The Hobbit" by Gallery 7 at MEI. It was very well done and quite funny at parts like the dragon was just a big man in a pink spandex suit and a hat! Then I picked up Riley from my Grandparents and headed home... he stayed sleeping! Well I better clean up a bit before Dave comes home so it looks like I've done something! Good Night! Andrea :)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Schierling Family Picture at the Applebarn!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Our Family!

The glacier water is so refreshing! My favorite place on earth!

Rope-swinging in Harrison! My new favorite sport - it's actually a workout!

Dave and Riley catching crayfish in Harrison! My parents have a cabin there and we spend alot of time there in the summer!

Dave and I at Earl's for a modeling event! Dave was a great support through the whole contest!

I won Chilliwack's First Top Model! It was a contest put on by the Chilliwack Progress Newspaper! It was lots of fun!

Riley our cowboy at Grandma and Grandpa Schierling's!


My first blog! Dave is away hunting this week in Quesnel with my Dad, Curt, Ben and a bunch of other men! I decided to try out the blog thing on my own! Riley is having a nap and I'm taking a break from scrapbooking!