The Schierlings

Monday, February 12, 2007

Enjoying our meal!

"Love on You Supper"

Uncle Ron and Aunt Hilda Janzen put on their 5th Annual Love on You supper. This originally was to encourage the married cousins on the Siemens side, but now it includes singles cousins too! We had lots of fun and they put on a great meal!

Party People!

Happy Birthday Jackie!

Jackie and her baby Malachi. He is 10.5 months!

Riley Helps Grandma!

Aunt Jackie turned 23 on February 7th! To celebrate we had a party at her house with all her fav foods: Cherry Chip Cake (she has had it at her parties since she was 2!), Cheese Sauce Spaghetti and Rempel's Farmer Sausage! Yummy!

Birthday Cake!

Park Buddies!

Feeding the Ducks!

Riley and I love going to Sardis Park to feed the ducks! Some of them take the crackers right from your hand... that kinda scares Riley!

Fixing the snowmobiles!

The were about a dozen snowmobiles up there, but they were'nt all new! Some needed regular tune-ups! Both of Dave's snowmobiles were up there but needed extra TLC at times too! Dave's Boss Tom is in the black snowsuit.

The Whole Crew!

Princeton Weekend!

Last weekend we spent thursday til Sunday up in Princeton at Dave's Boss's Cabin! The whole staff went, 24 in total with wives and kids! We had tons of fun snowmobiling, relaxing, playing Battle of the Sexes (3x!) and eating!